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My Astonishing Singer…. Rafi Saab

A poem by Kesuma@HF.

My Astonishing Singer…. Rafi Saab
That sleepless feeling of Khoya Khoya Chand….
That restless soul maze of its amazing melodies…
Today or it shall be Tomorrow…
His Incredible Versatility Nourish..
Beyong Time & Space…

My Evergreen Singer…Rafi Saab
Has a Saint of Heart…
A Sufi In His Singing…
Locked In one lifting..
Embrace of excellence..
With his own twin Qualities…

My Idiol Singer… Rafi Saab
A Paragon of His Vocal Virtues…
An emblem of that Unique Style…
Synthesis of Strength & Sensitively..
An Epitome of His Versatility…

My Superb Singer… Rafi Saab
His songs could burst into a Chuckle…
Plunge into a Sob with his voice…
He perished each song so perfectly..
His the Man with Phenomenan Treasure…

Luv Kes

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